Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The face plant

Perhaps it was the missing "uh oh" usually uttered after my daughter tumbles over her own feet that was the first sign this was more then her common spill.  Usually the comical nature of these wipeouts solicits a laugh - though in this case the unusual sound of a crack as she splatted against the floor was more concerning then amusing.  Though I'm not really sure what to say to her at 16 months after she decides to break her fall, not with her hands, but with her forehead.
Because she was behind the island in the kitchen when it happened, we at first we're not sure what she has hurt, her hands, knees, head... pride.  Generally our daughter is fairly tame and doesn't cry often, even temper tantrums are filled more with yelling and writhing on the floor then actual tears.  At first her Mom holds her, but since she can't magically make the pain go away she'll try Dad.  Nope - Dad as such is no good either, something still hurts.  It's then we notice the big round bump emerging right in the middle of her forehead.  A little pinkish - but developing into a nice Chicken egg swelling.  Hey, go big or go home. 

So bump forming is good - but now, how the heck do you get the kid to sit still while you try to ice it.   Bribery of course - and in this case, freezies.   Distract her with one cold object while the bag of peas goes on the forehead.  It's amzing how quickly the sniffles and gulps disappear when enticed with a freezie.

But to add insult to the injury - the next day as we drop her off at the private daycare, even with her bangs down, the first thing the provider notices is the big goose egg on her forehead.  Thankfully she knows of my daughter's clumsiness ahead of time, so no glances accusing of neglect (by the way, we really do like her daycare provider).

But ah ha - not to be beaten or let it go, still 5 days later there is a lovely brown-blue bruise right in the middle of her head that actaully extends to the bridge of her nose.  And wouldnt' you know it, my daughter still manages to bump something right on that spot.   Well, at least there are no family pictures coming up to immortalize her clumsiness.

I'm starting to realize how my parents felt through the various trips to the hospital for me.

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