Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Family Flu

Robert Martignani | The Family Flu I tell you, there is indeed something worse then a sick baby. Being sick yourself AND dealing with a sick baby. Oh yes, just when all I need is a nights rest, my darling daughter decides that whatever ails her, will be heard about by Daddy. I don't want my daughter to grow up to fast, but man, do I wish sometimes she could speak (beyond the single word utterances of ouch, uh oh, done, etc). Instead it's crying, or in some cases, she's not comfortable enough to sleep, so it's play time at 4am. Believe it or not, my child does bring out my more patient side, which is fairly limited in the real world, but brother, at 4am.... For the most part, the frustration is trying to understand what is bothering the child(ren) in order to remedy it. In this case, it's been fantastic, because I have the same thing (I'll spare you the list of Flu symptoms). 4 days later and I just want to shoot myself as this has evolved / progressed to something else. Anyway - much sympathy and appreciation to what my own parents went through with me, I know it only gets better (sarcasm) as they get older and things get messier. Praying everynight hopefully this too shall pass(but really really soon). Cheers

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